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Записи: 663-661 ... 30-21 20-11 10-1
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23-06-2005 14:48
Have tought 2 classes-Step and Spin. Didn't do the Spin myself. They are fine without me anyway. Step-that I did. Hot. V-E-R-Y H-O-T. But had to please my audience. Yeah, that's me all over again, waving the slogan-"We are aiming to please". Time to go home. Got a dilemma. Saw a skirt yesterday.£6.00. I do like Edmonton Green Market Place. In the "Top shop" the same skirt would've been AT LEAST £15.00
But I never wear skirts. That's one. Two. Haven't got £6.00 on me. And I was going to Spitalfields Market tomorrow to get sunglasses.
A-N-D how about Sevka's birthday,young lady? Still no present.
Well, to sum it all up:haev a dilemma, haven't got the money,which, come to think about it, is a dilemma in it's own right. Solution? Haven't got one. Still want the skirt, still need sunglasses, and nobody cancelled the birthday. Shall I do Scarlett? "I am not going to think about it today. I'll think about it tomorrow". Did it help?
For the time being,yes, a little bit. Here we go, then. Full report ont tonight's training tomorrow.

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23-06-2005 09:54 Random thoughts.
Yesterday at home-30min. on the x-trainer(375 kals).
Today-just a walk from Southgate staition to Cockfosters(30min), but doesn't really count. I've been walking long distances since I was 4.I am a child-prodidgy, a walking wonder. Can't do cardio in the morning at home just at the moment. Sashka sleeps in the conservatory-too hot for him in the bedroom upstairs. And so I have to suffer.Why is it always women, who have to compromise?
Never mind, I'll make up for it. After work-walk home(10k) and in the afternoon, hopefully, I'll make it to the gym and do legs.
Funny thing.I think it was a week of the dead this week on telly."Half past dead", "Long time dead" and "As good, as dead"-film titles on Mon, Tue and Wed.
Another thing-how come we are suffocating in the south of England and in Yorkshier they have tsunami-like disaster? And it's only around 250-300 mls. from London.
Yet another thought. How come all the good things(glamour,charm,looks ) went to my brother? And I was left with brains(and thanks goodness for that).No,I am not complaining. Just a tiny bit of prettyness wouldn't have hurt. But than again look at my brother now-40, divorced, two nearly grown-up children(neglected),young family, new baby, no money, house or proper job. He's been through all that before, when he was 20. Why again? Dunno. Not for me.
It was 22nd yesterday. The beginning of WWII for Russia.I forgot.
Keep misspelling. Definately period coming. First sign. Or---age.

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22-06-2005 19:46 Nearly home time.
10 more mins. and I'm gone. Home, sweet home.It might be my period coming. Hence the agression. And a little bit of usual.Moody, paranoid. No water retention though. And no any kind of food cravings.
Right. Shower.Cardio at home.
Legs tomorrow.

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22-06-2005 19:02 Eating selery.
Keeping good on my promise to eat more.Or more often. So far today it's every 2,5 to 3 hrs. Turning to Jay Cutler already. Boy, is it hard!!! You literally have to staff yourself with food.Good thing I am not a "pro". Would've been sacked after the first week.Onstage. On the day of "Mister O".What a thought!
Have to get myself a personal nutritionist. Hah,hah! Might as well hire myself. Actually, it's not such a bad idea. And not as silly,as it sounds. If I pretend, that I've got to do it for somebody else, rather than myself, I'll start watching myself a little bit more closely. Beedy-eyed me!
Just had a very long and stupid conversation wuth not so long but nevertheless stupid model.She put 2-TWO- pounds on! Oh, my God!End of the World!!! No-the Universe!!!
Did my best to soothe and to cushion poor cow. "It's all muscles. They are heavier then fat..." Blah, blah,blah.Think she is happy now and not going to go into anorexia/bulimia mode.
I am an awfull bitch sometimes. No,lots of the times.No. ALL THE TIME!!!
And very agressive in the last couple of days. Must be Sashkin "filling" with roids.Read it somewhere. Seems to be true.
Agression is very good for training. Gonna go and train in 5 min.
Tomorrow I am @Cockfosters. Mental note to self-don't forget to call California. Sevkin birthday coming. And the poor child is still presentless. Good thing he doesn't know. And who is going to tell him?

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22-06-2005 17:14 Are we all vain?
Read other people's entries. It seems lots of them are writing with "readers in mind". In other words,they are constantly aware,that somebody will read,what they've written. Or is it vanity/ Look at me! Here I am! Here are my pictures, my new bikini, new skirt, etc... Do I really care, what other people will think of me, my lifestyle, my journal, my new trousers, etc? No. I think,I stoped caring long time ago.Used to. A lot. Caused problems sometimes. For me again. Not for other people. My ex-best so called friEnd,Alla,comes to mind.Good riddance,I say. Miss her sometimes. She could be great fun, when relaxed and not sticking her nose inTO other people's business.She did have an inferiority complex, low self esteem(funny that, with all her height.1.80,was it?)
On the other hand there are people ,who need somebody to know,that they have commited to something. Otherwise it's not going to work for them. (Back on to to the "vanity" subject again.)Commitment problem, I suppose. Again, remember, Lenka and her "slimming down course"? "Don't want to do it, wish I've never started the whole thing, but because I've paid for it, and because Papa knows and Antie knows and now you know I have to go through with it."
So it's not JUST the sheer vanity or commitment fobia but a motivation and support of the others. Could be loneliness as well. Trying to get somebody to communicate ,to mix up, to "shmooze" with.
Do I want all that? No. Not really. Socialising is not my preferred time passing. Or wasting-better word to describe it.
Then another thing might be,that in a way, your life looks more significant, when written about. After all, do we all have exiting things, happening to us every day? Romance and adventure jumping at us from around the corner? Don't think so. But, when you write about most trivial things, like making porige for breakfast again(omlet, in my case)ot heatwave in London and bloody crowd(again!) on the Tube, it's seems almost romantic or adventuros. Well, riding on the Tube every night is bloody heroic. Yeah, I am a Tube heroine. Lady of the Courage. Excuse the pan.
What is it I really want then? I haven't had a diary since I was what?-15? 16? Something like that. Now I just want to get to the goal I've set for myself, regarding body composition-10% bodyfat. And the journal will discipline and motivate me. And by my roughest estimates it will take me around 7-8 months to get,where I want to be.Gosh, it's a long time,innit? AND a LOT of discipline with the capital D.
In the meanwhile,whatever brainwaves I've got(not just training wise).whatever thoughts will pop to my head-it will give me the chance to air them. To immoralise them. For future generations. Yeah. I am SO great, talanted and beautifull that everything about my life deserved to be recorded.Memoirs of moi!!! Nah. Just kidding.
On the more serious note puting things into perspective-another advantage of the diary. I was always on the faulty side
with my perspective.Planning was never my strong point.So, strength training, here I come!!!

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22-06-2005 15:07 Little Tony.
"I want to have a nice, firm body, when I go on holiday!" After not coming to the gym for how long??? And how long is it before the holiday???
And it's not just Tony. It's almost everybody else.Oh, well. Should be used to it by now. Nothing I haven't seen or heard before. People will always be people. I still can't believe he is stright. Looks every inch of a gay-the way he talks, the dress sense, the whole package. But nature is a capricious lady and Tony is a raging hetero.Still he did a little bit in the gym-30min. of cardio. It's a start.

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22-06-2005 14:55 Feeling smug.
Very proud of myself. Went home yesterday. Did 30min. on the x-trainer. 350 cal. Good. Well done. Good girl, Marishka.
Today-50min. on the bloody thing. 525 cal. So far so good. Will train later in the afternoon. Chest today. Should be legs ,really. But legs....in this gym.... No way. I will di Steve's squats though. Did like them the other day @"Reuters".A little bit less weight though. And cardio session at home. Love doing it at home-could look into the garden, smell the jasmine, nobody wants anything from you(they do, but you could always say:"Oh, leave me alone and do it yourself!), nobody asks stupid questions or tries to tell you what kind of equipment they think you need in the gym(have you had a good look around? DO WE HAVE ANY ROOM FOR THAT?). And the birds. Never realised we've got so many in the garden. Watched them today from my vintage point on the x-trainer. A black bird was building a nest. So it went round the lawn and picked up, what it could-fluff, hay, bits and pieces. It was fasinating to watch. Now I understand British countryside favorite time-passing-birds watching.
Anyways,that's the plan for today and we'll see later on, how we'll get on with it.
Think, might need to eat a little bit more. With this amount of cardio AND the heat I'll start wasting away pretty soon. Don't need it. And I've got a long way to go. You could always start carbing up, I suppose, but it's still a long way off. We'll see.

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21-06-2005 18:36
Keep having funny thought-I am a fitness instructor. I am suppose to motivate the others, the "normal" people.Yes, they expect it from you-to moeivate them, to push them. How about moi? Who will motivate me?! It's getting harder to keep it going after doing it for so long. Ah, remember, how it used to be? Oh, come on, you are not that old. Not yet anyway. Where was I? OK,THE MOTIVATION. It took Erika's diary to start mine. But she does write brilliantly-and the sense of humour AND the intencity of her life AND the energy and sort of hunger for life... Have I lost all that? Life's got a little bit stale lately...Hope, it'll pass.
Towel delivery is here. Will deal with it, then-train. Think of doing cardio at home. Vey tempting. It will be around 21:30, when I get in. Food for Sasha for tomorrow-30-40min. Fine. Cardio-10 to 11. Bed. I am not doing the early tomorow, so it should be all right.Full report tomorrow.

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21-06-2005 15:59
Just read my stars. Lots of energy and enormous amount of creative thoughts and ideas-all true.Will see how the training session go. It's cold in the gym, Air condithioner all the way down. Blows right into my head. Can't avoid it at the desk. Don't want to catch cold, doI?

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21-06-2005 15:36
Started on 20/06/05.
45min. x-training-521kal. in the morning. Evening-walked home from work-10km. About the same amount of calories,I guess.And it was HOT. Very hot. Around 29-30C, Sashka said.Got REALLY sweaty and stinky. But still it's a start.

Morning. 45 min. on the x-trainer. 500kal. Plans for evening: will train back and bicep. And if it's not too busy will do the cardio as well. But being Tueasday, you could never count on it NOT being busy. Everybody will turn up. And even more so, everybody I don't like will turn up. At least, James alredy here. It means he is not going to irritate me later on. He doesn't. I like James. Wierd a little bit(a reporter!!! how can he not be), but nice. Got to shoot now. Later!

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Записи: 663-661 ... 30-21 20-11 10-1
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Обозначения цветом:
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небольшой избыток массы тела (25.8 < ИМТ < 27.3)
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