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Дневники на harbor.ru > MarinaV.

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30-08-2008 15:20 One down...
...one to go...
Another photo session is out of the way. Feel like have done twelve rounds with Mike Tyson(probably, look like it, too - all my legs and arms are bruised black-and-blue for some unexplicable reason). With a good cause, anyway: the photogapher, Eric, is a former heavy weight British boxing champion.

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29-08-2008 07:24 Carry On... Regardless...
Whether "Harbour" is moody or broody, or downright beastly and rough; if it’s glitching, or bitching or, stringing us along, or keeping away for the sake of sheer excitement of being allowed back in, ALL of it is of the secondary importance to me. For, I still do what I've always done best: training, eating, sleeping. Working as well (you'd better not ask how the latter is going and how much of it I manage to load onto my, admittedly, NOT so fragile shoulders ). Another photo shoot tomorrow, and the last one (hopefully) the following week end, Friday, October the 5th.
After that - just more of the same old. "Training. Eating. Sleeping". Being a die-hard muscle freak, you see, I do not believe in life outside pumping iron

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27-08-2008 07:29 Nature Mort Of Hard Wear and Tupper Wear.

My office desk at half six in the morning.

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26-08-2008 07:49 LoveLEE-BubbLEE.
It's not just my flamboyant personality this heading refers to. It's what I regularly get up to every morning. Well, almost.
I would’ve even presented astonished gathering of friends and foes with graphical demonstration, but, on the top of VERY early morning cardio session, it's too much of a hassle to photograph one's own torso, cocooned into layers and layers of bubble wrap at four o'clock in the morning. And picture of Lee Priest, as my faithful, X-training-at-dawn, motivator, taken from computer screen (I watch all my DVDs on Apple Mac) would've been completely obliterated by the camera flash in the dark conservatory.
So you just have to take my word for it.

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25-08-2008 08:49 Self-similar syncopations: Fibonacci, L-systems, Limericks, etc.
Have to admit - I started with the latter. Studying "Limericks" for the second day on the row and trying to write some.
Sample of famous limerick by Edward Lear:

"There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, "It is just as I feared! -
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!"

What's a "Limerick"? It's a form of poetic rhyme. Making its first appearance a little over a century ago, the lure of the limerick is such that it has grown to become one of the world's most popular verse forms. There is something strangely appealing and intuitively "natural" about its slightly skewed symmetry.
Underlying stress patterns in the metre of the limerick, using "di" for an unstressed syllable and "dum" for a stressed one like this:
"di dum di di dum di di dum
di dum di di dum di di dum
di dum di di dum
di dum di di dum
di dum di di dum di di dum "

Apparently, this pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables belongs to the well known Fibonacci series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ... where each successive number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Mathematics are not my strongest point or my favourite cup of tea any time of the day (I love mine black and strong, with lemon, jam and thick toasted bread-and butter ), so I better get on with the task at hand and stimulate the old grey matter ("Grave Matter" , as my son used to say, when he was young ).
So far I've come up with just this:

There was a young lady from London,
Who trained in a gym with abandon.
If she missed a day,
She'd always complain,
That her muscles would grow at random.

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22-08-2008 15:40 "There Is Only One Click... ...
... from love to hatred".
Pretty self-evident axiom and rings true every time I am trying to get onto "Harbour" web-site.

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18-08-2008 10:21 Feeling Pi**s**sed Off.
If you are anything like me(i.e. GREEDY ) and gobbling the whole bunch of parsley before bed time doesn't strike you as particularly stupid thing to do, do not moan, then, if you've got your beauty sleep broken by the bursting bladder and the need to rush down the loo every half hour, urged by repeated and very pressing(literally) calls of nature. It didn't stop in the morning either, and I had to interrupt my usual stroll to work by mad dashes from one public toilet to another. Good thing there are quiet a few of them, or I might've end up in the wet pants otherwise. But then, again, it wouldn't have made any difference whatsoever, for, the weather decided to join the mood, and it's been pissing down from the sky the whole morning.

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17-08-2008 15:28 Food A-G-A-I-N.
To my defence - I've been severely tested and tempted by Sofia's 1964 description of preparation and consumption of the same dish. Failed to resist and simply had to succumb.

Chicken thighs.



The process.


End result.

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16-08-2008 14:30 Food Of The Day.

Bon Appetite!

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15-08-2008 10:29 The Art Of Being Smart.
Just a few toughts on reading a few (QUITE a few!!!) of today's entries.

What's so difficult and objectionable about smart exercise and right eating, anyway, especially when the rewards and benefits are so great?
It's not like one had to eat mice and lice and drink ginger spice. It's not like one was addicted to Camels, Champaign and crack cocaine and had to abstain.

We're talking about yummy, yummy, good for the tummy [tantalizing,energizing and muscularizing]: meat, fish, poultry and milk products,fresh vegetables and fruits in moderation and order. He, or she, need to exercise regularly and with good intentions, not dig trenches on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan, or potty-train lions, tigers and bears in the wild.

Got life? Workout, eat smart, be strong, be happy, be respectful, be worthy, be sure!

The most difficult and objectionable thing about smart exercise and right eating is getting started. The knowledge needed to start and get rolling, build up speed and put in the miles is not hidden or complicated. It's the basics, always the basics, from here to
eternity. I don't know anyone who is or has been a champion who needed special knowledge to become great.

Understanding... well, that's another matter altogether. Though confused with knowledge, understanding is discernment, awareness and perception -- an invaluable byproduct that only comes with time and guts, consistency and practice, observation and trial and error. Take pleasure in gaining understanding because growth is its faithful and constant companion. You, yourself, might be amazed and pleased at the end result, and at how good a mental and physical hortiCULTURIST you turned out to be.

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Записи: 663-661 660-651 650-641 640-631 ... 10-1
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Обозначения цветом:
дистрофия (ИМТ < 17.5)
дефицит массы тела (17.5 < ИМТ < 19.1)
норма (19.1 < ИМТ < 25.8)
небольшой избыток массы тела (25.8 < ИМТ < 27.3)
избыток массы тела (27.3 < ИМТ < 32.3)
ожирение (32.3 < ИМТ < 35)
резко выраженное ожирение (35 < ИМТ < 40)
суперожирение (40 < ИМТ)

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